Jupiter Corporation provides appraisal certification that includes item/artist description, source and auction records for the item/artist, general assessment of authenticity, quality, condition and fair market price and replacement value.In many cases we can provide you with useful information about the identity of an item and its history by posting an image of it together with a proper description to our company.We also offer a more all-inclusive version of appraisal service for collectors who require a written report. The information provided could be as fairly simple as possible with the maker of a particular item or, where that is essentially impossible to define, the school, workshop or manufacturer from where it originates. Or it could be as relatively multifaceted as providing uniqueness, united with original use, place of origin, and social circumstance and historical importance.
Need help authenticating an item or a collection? Jupiter Corporation provides authentication services including photographing, researching and attributing antiquities from most ancient cultures. Hourly rates apply.Do you need a TL Test performed?
Thermoluminescence (TL) dating test is the determination, by means of measuring the accumulated radiation dose, of the time elapsed since material containing crystalline minerals was either heated or exposed to sunlight. Thermoluminescence emits a weak light signal that is proportional to the radiation dose absorbed by the material. It is a type of luminescence dating.A Thermoluminescence Test is an important factor when judging the authenticity of ancient art. While it cannot give the complete picture, it gives an absolute, objective measurement of the time since the clay at the sampling site was fired. In addition, it can detect unfired clay and restoration material. If samples are taken from several locations on the piece, TL tests can also indicate if sections were made from similar clay. Jupiter Corporation works with Laboratory in Germany and can arrange for all phases of TL testing. All works of art are unconditionally guaranteed to be authentic and as described, for as long as you own them. Jupiter Corporation provides appraisal services, TL Testing, as well as professional service.